Taze ve siyah sarımsaklardaki kalite parametrelerinin belirlenmesi ve biyoaktif bileşiklerinin karakterizasyonu
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Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim Ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Sarımsak, gastrointestinal sistemi ve sindirimi destekleyen bileşikleri içeren önemli bir gıdadır. Yaygın olan sarımsak türü Allium sativum L. 'dir. Son araştırmalar sarımsağın kolesterolü ve lipiti düşürücü, kardiyoprotektif, antitrombotik, antiinflamatuar, antioksidan, antitümör, antihiperglisemik, kardiyovasküler hastalıkları önleyici, antikanser ve kanser üzerinde iyileştirici etkilerinin olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Sarımsağın kokusu nedeniyle tüketilmekten çekinilen besinler arasında yer alması sebebiyle alternatif bir ürün olan siyah sarımsak üretimini gündeme gelmiştir. Siyah sarımsak, taze sarımsağın belirli bir süre kontrollü şartlar altında, yüksek sıcaklıkta (60-90° C) ve yüksek nemde (% 70-90) gerçekleştirilen fermentasyon yoluyla üretilmektedir. Siyah sarımsak oluşumunda bir dizi kimyasal reaksiyonda etkilidir. Bunlar içerisinde en önemlisi Maillard reaksiyonudur. Siyah sarımsakta fenolik, organik kükürt bileşikleri, ?-karbolin alkaloitleri ve melanoidin gibi biyoaktif bileşenler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ülkemizin yetiştiricilikte önemli potansiyelini oluşturan Kastamonu ve Antep taze sarımsakları ile piyasada bulunan 5 farklı ticari siyah sarımsağın genel bileşim özellikleri (titrasyon asitliği, protein, şeker, kuru madde vb.) antioksidan kapasitesi (DPPH ve ABTS), toplam fenolik madde miktarı, HMF miktarı belirlenmiştir. Amino asit içeriği, organik asit bileşimi ve fenolik bileşiklerin HPLC ile karakterizasyonu yapılmıştır. Siyah sarımsakların antioksidan kapasite potansiyeli taze sarımsaklara göre 4-7 kat arasında artış gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Taze sarımsaklarda gallik asit, p-hidroksibenzoik asit, kateşin, vanilik asit, kaffeik asit epikateşin, p-kumarik asit, ferulik asit, morin, kuersetin, resveratrol ve apigenin olmak üzere 13 adet fenolik bileşik tanımlanmış ve taze sarımsaklara ek olarak siyah sarımsaklarda kuersetin-3-O-ramnozit bileşiği belirlenmiştir.Siyah sarımsakların taze sarımsaklara göre resveratrol, vanilik asit, kateşin, ferulik asit, apigenin, kaffeik asit, epikateşin, morin miktarında artış meydana geldiği saptanmıştır. Siyah sarımsağın taze sarımsağa göre daha yüksek miktarlarda fenolik bileşik içerdiği ve daha yüksek antioksidan potansiyele sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Amino asit miktarı bakımından siyah sarımsak örnekleri genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde siyah sarımsakların taze sarımsaklara göre daha fazla miktarda amino asit içerdiği belirlenmiştir.
Garlic is an important food that contains compounds that support the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. The most common type of garlic is Allium sativum L. Recent studies have shown that garlic has cholesterol-lowering, lipid-lowering, cardioprotective, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, antihyperglycemic, cardiovascular disease prevention, anticancer and curative effects on cancer. Because garlic is among the foods that are avoided to be consumed due to its smell, the production of black garlic, which is an alternative product, has come to the fore. Black garlic is produced by fermentation of fresh garlic under controlled conditions for a certain period of time, at high temperature (60-90°C) and high humidity (70-90%), it is effective in a series of chemical reactions in the formation of black garlic. There are bioactive components such as phenolic, organic sulfur compounds, ?-carboline alkaloids and melanoidin in black garlic. In this study, Kastamonu and Antep fresh garlics, which constitute the important potential in our country in grown, and 5 different commercial black garlics in the market the general composition characteristics (titration acidity, protein, sugar, dry matter, etc.), antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ABTS), total phenolic content, HMF, of amount has been determined. Amino acid content, organic acid composition and phenolic compounds were characterized by HPLC. When compared to fresh garlic, the antioxidant capacity potential of black garlic increased 4-7 times. In fresh garlic, 13 phenolic compounds, including gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, catechin, vanillic acid, caffeic acid epicatechin, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, morin, quercetin, resveratrol and apigenin, were identified and in addition to fresh garlic, the quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside compound was determined. It was determined that the amount of resveratrol, vanillic acid, catechin, ferulic acid, apigenin, caffeic acid, epicatechin and morin in black garlic increased compared to fresh garlic. It was determined that black garlic contains higher amount of phenolic compounds and higher antioxidant potential than fresh garlic. When the black garlic samples were evaluated in terms of amino acid content, it was determined that black garlic contains more amino acids than fresh garlic.
Garlic is an important food that contains compounds that support the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. The most common type of garlic is Allium sativum L. Recent studies have shown that garlic has cholesterol-lowering, lipid-lowering, cardioprotective, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, antihyperglycemic, cardiovascular disease prevention, anticancer and curative effects on cancer. Because garlic is among the foods that are avoided to be consumed due to its smell, the production of black garlic, which is an alternative product, has come to the fore. Black garlic is produced by fermentation of fresh garlic under controlled conditions for a certain period of time, at high temperature (60-90°C) and high humidity (70-90%), it is effective in a series of chemical reactions in the formation of black garlic. There are bioactive components such as phenolic, organic sulfur compounds, ?-carboline alkaloids and melanoidin in black garlic. In this study, Kastamonu and Antep fresh garlics, which constitute the important potential in our country in grown, and 5 different commercial black garlics in the market the general composition characteristics (titration acidity, protein, sugar, dry matter, etc.), antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ABTS), total phenolic content, HMF, of amount has been determined. Amino acid content, organic acid composition and phenolic compounds were characterized by HPLC. When compared to fresh garlic, the antioxidant capacity potential of black garlic increased 4-7 times. In fresh garlic, 13 phenolic compounds, including gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, catechin, vanillic acid, caffeic acid epicatechin, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, morin, quercetin, resveratrol and apigenin, were identified and in addition to fresh garlic, the quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside compound was determined. It was determined that the amount of resveratrol, vanillic acid, catechin, ferulic acid, apigenin, caffeic acid, epicatechin and morin in black garlic increased compared to fresh garlic. It was determined that black garlic contains higher amount of phenolic compounds and higher antioxidant potential than fresh garlic. When the black garlic samples were evaluated in terms of amino acid content, it was determined that black garlic contains more amino acids than fresh garlic.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering