Karabuğday katkılı ekmek yapma olanaklarının araştırılması
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Cilt Başlığı
Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim Ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında, tane halinde ve un haline getirilmiş tam karabuğdayın; %10, %20, %30 oranlarında beyaz ekmek formülasyonuna, buğday unu ile yer değiştirme prensibine göre eklenmesi sonucunda karabuğday katkılı ekmek elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Üçer paralel şeklinde hazırlanan ekmek örneklerinin toplam fenolik madde içeriği ve antioksidan aktiviteleri belirlenmiş, hacim değerleri ölçülmüştür. GC-MS aracılığı ile örneklerdeki uçucu bileşikler tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen ekmeklerde ayrıca duyusal analizler de yapılmıştır. 25 ?'de muhafaza edilen her bir örnek için, 0., 1. ve 2. gün olmak üzere tekstür profili analizleri yapılmış ve nem içeriğindeki değişimler gözlemlenmiştir. Tüm bu özellikler %100 beyaz ekmeklik undan yapılan kontrol ekmekleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Tane halinde formülasyona eklenen karabuğdayın; tekstür profili analizleri sonucunda ekmek sertliğini yüksek miktarda arttırdığı görülmüştür. 0. günde kontrol ekmeği örneklerinde 3.65 N'luk sertlik değeri bulunurken % 30 KBT ve %30 KBU ekmek örneklerinde bu oran sırasıyla 9.12 ve 7.32 N olarak ölçülmüştür. Bu oran 2. gün sonunda kontrol ekmeği örnekleri için 8.01 N, %30 KBT ve %30 KBU ekmek örneklerinde sırasıyla 17.2 ve 15.1 N olarak kaydedilmiştir. Tam karabuğday unu ikamesi, ekmeklerin antioksidan aktivitelerini ve fenolik madde içeriğini oldukça yükseltmiştir. Toplam fenolik bileşik analizleri sonucunda kontrol ekmeklerinde 43.6 mg GAE/100 g değeri tespit edilirken; %30 KBT ekmeklerde bu oran 83.9 mg GAE/100 g olarak tespit edilmiştir. %20 oranında KBU içeren ekmek örneklerininse 116.1 mg GAE/100g olarak ölçülmüştür. DPPH metodu kullanılarak yapılan antioksidan kapasite analizleri sonucunda kontrol ekmeklerinde oran 6.86 mmol Trolox/100g olarak kaydedilirken bu oran %30 KBT ekmeklerde 31.5 mmol Trolox/100g; %20 KBU ekmeklerde 27.2 mmol Trolox/100g olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tam karabuğday unu içeren ekmeklerin hacim değerleri kontrol ekmeklerine yakın değerler göstermiştir. Ancak karabuğday katkılı tüm örneklerin, kontrol ekmeklerine göre daha düşük hacim değerlerine sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Kontrol ekmeklerinde hacim değeri 762.6 ml olarak ölçülürken, bu değer %30 KBT ekmeklerde 600.6 ml; % 30 KBU ekmeklerde ise 704.6 ml olarak tespit edilmiştir. Duyusal analizler sonucunda karabuğdayın un ve tane halinde ekmek yapımında kullanılmasının olumlu etkileri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Duyusal analizler kapsamında yapılan aroma, renk, sertlik, gözeneklilik ve karabuğday tadı testlerinin tümünde karabuğdaylı ekmek örnekleri, karabuğday oranlarıyla doğru orantılı olarak puanlar almıştır. Karabuğday ikame oranı arttıkça, ekmek örneklerindeki uçucu bileşenler artış göstermiştir. Özellikle feniletanol ve benzilalkol gibi aroma veren bileşenlerin varlığı karabuğday ikame oranı yükseldikçe artmıştır. Nem içeriği analizleri sonucunda, karabuğday ilavesinin nem içeriğini azalttığı görülmüştür. Bu azalma karabuğdayın, ekmeğin su tutma kapasitesi üzerinde olumlu etkileri olabileceği şeklinde yorumlanmıştır. Örneklerin besleyicilik ve duyusal özellikleri göz önüne alındığında; %20 oranında karabuğday ununun beyaz ekmeklik formülasyona eklendiği kombinasyonun en uygun kullanım olduğu kanısına varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karabuğday, Ekmek, Karabuğdaylı ekmek, Toplam fenolik madde, Toplam antioksidan kapasite
In this thesis, it was aimed to obtain buckwheat added bread by substituting wheat flour with buckwheat as groats and buckwheat flour into white bread formulation at the rates of 10%, 20% and 30%. Total phenolic and antioxidant activities of the bread samples were determined. The volume values of the bread samples were measured. Texture profile and moisture content was determined on the 0., 1. and 2. days for each sample and the changes were observed. Volatile compounds were determined by GC-MS, sensory properties of the breads were analysed and all these properties were also detected in control breads made from 100% wheat flour and compared with buckwheat added breads. As a result of the texture profile analysis, it was observed that buckwheat added to the formulation in grain form; increased the bread hardness in a high amount. On the 0th day, 3.65 N hardness value was found in the control bread samples, while 30% BWG and 30% BWF bread samples were measured as 9.12 and 7.32 N, respectively. At the end of the 2nd day, this rate was recorded for control breads as 8.01 N and for 30% BWG and 30% BWF bread samples as 17.2 and 15.1 N, respectively. Whole buckwheat flour substitution significantly increased the antioxidant activities and phenolic content of the breads. As a result of total phenolic compound analysis, 43.6 mg GAE/100 g value was determined in control breads. This ratio was found to be 83.9 mg GAE/100 g in 30% BWG breads. Bread samples containing 20% BWF were measured as 116.1 mg GAE/100 g. As a result of antioxidant capacity analysis using DPPH method, the ratio of control breads was recorded as 6.86 mmol Trolox/100g, while this ratio was 31.5 mmol Trolox/100g in 30% BWG breads and 27.2 mmol of Trolox/100g for 20% BWF breads. The volume values of the bread containing whole buckwheat flour showed values close to the control bread samples. However, it was observed that all samples with buckwheat additives had lower volume values than control breads. While the volume value was measured as 762.6 ml in control breads, this value was 600.6 ml in 30% BWG breads and 30% 704.6 ml for BWF breads. As a result of sensory analysis, it was determined that the use of buckwheat in making flour and grain bread has positive effects. In all of the aroma, colour, hardness, porosity and taste of buckwheat tests conducted within the scope of sensory analyses, buckwheat bread samples scored high comparatively with their buckwheat ratios. Volatile components in bread samples increased as the buckwheat substitution rate increased. In particular, the presence of flavouring components such as phenylethanol and benzylalcohol increased as the buckwheat substitution rate increased. As a result of moisture content analysis, the addition of buckwheat has been shown to reduce the moisture content. This decrease was interpreted as that buckwheat may have positive effects on the water holding capacity of bread. Considering the nutritional and sensory features of the samples; It was concluded that the combination where 20% buckwheat flour was added to the white bread formulation was the most appropriate use. Keywords: Buckwheat, Bread, Bread with buckwheat, Total phenolic content, Total antioxidant capacity
In this thesis, it was aimed to obtain buckwheat added bread by substituting wheat flour with buckwheat as groats and buckwheat flour into white bread formulation at the rates of 10%, 20% and 30%. Total phenolic and antioxidant activities of the bread samples were determined. The volume values of the bread samples were measured. Texture profile and moisture content was determined on the 0., 1. and 2. days for each sample and the changes were observed. Volatile compounds were determined by GC-MS, sensory properties of the breads were analysed and all these properties were also detected in control breads made from 100% wheat flour and compared with buckwheat added breads. As a result of the texture profile analysis, it was observed that buckwheat added to the formulation in grain form; increased the bread hardness in a high amount. On the 0th day, 3.65 N hardness value was found in the control bread samples, while 30% BWG and 30% BWF bread samples were measured as 9.12 and 7.32 N, respectively. At the end of the 2nd day, this rate was recorded for control breads as 8.01 N and for 30% BWG and 30% BWF bread samples as 17.2 and 15.1 N, respectively. Whole buckwheat flour substitution significantly increased the antioxidant activities and phenolic content of the breads. As a result of total phenolic compound analysis, 43.6 mg GAE/100 g value was determined in control breads. This ratio was found to be 83.9 mg GAE/100 g in 30% BWG breads. Bread samples containing 20% BWF were measured as 116.1 mg GAE/100 g. As a result of antioxidant capacity analysis using DPPH method, the ratio of control breads was recorded as 6.86 mmol Trolox/100g, while this ratio was 31.5 mmol Trolox/100g in 30% BWG breads and 27.2 mmol of Trolox/100g for 20% BWF breads. The volume values of the bread containing whole buckwheat flour showed values close to the control bread samples. However, it was observed that all samples with buckwheat additives had lower volume values than control breads. While the volume value was measured as 762.6 ml in control breads, this value was 600.6 ml in 30% BWG breads and 30% 704.6 ml for BWF breads. As a result of sensory analysis, it was determined that the use of buckwheat in making flour and grain bread has positive effects. In all of the aroma, colour, hardness, porosity and taste of buckwheat tests conducted within the scope of sensory analyses, buckwheat bread samples scored high comparatively with their buckwheat ratios. Volatile components in bread samples increased as the buckwheat substitution rate increased. In particular, the presence of flavouring components such as phenylethanol and benzylalcohol increased as the buckwheat substitution rate increased. As a result of moisture content analysis, the addition of buckwheat has been shown to reduce the moisture content. This decrease was interpreted as that buckwheat may have positive effects on the water holding capacity of bread. Considering the nutritional and sensory features of the samples; It was concluded that the combination where 20% buckwheat flour was added to the white bread formulation was the most appropriate use. Keywords: Buckwheat, Bread, Bread with buckwheat, Total phenolic content, Total antioxidant capacity
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering