Laboratory investigation of the effects of aggregate's type, size and polishing level to skid resistance of surface coatings
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Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, laboratuvar ortamında farklı agrega tür, tane boyut ve cilalanma seviyelerinde üretilen yüzeysel kaplamaların kayma direnci performansının araştırılmasıdır. Sathi ve harç tipi yüzeysel kaplamalarının üretiminde kireç taşı, bazalt ve dere malzemesi kökenlerinde altı farklı doğal agrega ve elektrik ark fırını ile ferrokrom cüruflarını içeren dört farklı atık kullanılmıştır. Her bir agreganın fiziksel, mekanik ve kimyasal özelikleri EN standartlarına göre belirlenmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar, Türkiye karayolları teknik şartnamesindeki şartname limitleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Sathi kaplama örnekleri, 2.00-19.00 mm aralığında değişen yedi farklı tane boyutundan hazırlanırken, harç tipi kaplama örnekleri üç farklı gradasyonda üretilmiştir. Yüzey dokusunun kaplama kayma direncine etkisi bilindiğinden, yüzeysel kaplama örneklerinin makro dokuları, kum yama ve akış ölçer testleri ile sırasıyla ASTM E 965 ve ASTM E 2380 standart metotlarına göre belirlenmiştir. Agregaların cilalandırılması, aşınmaya karşı direncin incelenmesinde kullanılan Micro-Deval cihazı aracılığı ile ASTM D 6928 standardına göre yapılmıştır Farklı seviyelerde cilalanmış agrega temin etmek için 5250'den 52500 değişen beş farklı devirlerde Micro-Deval testi uygulanmıştır. Testlerden sonra, cilalanan agregalar elenmiş, sathi kaplama örneklerinin hazırlanması için 4.00-12.50 mm aralığında değişen dört farklı tane boyutunda ayrıştırılmıştır. Agrega yüzeylerinin belirli cilalanma seviyelerinde görüntülenmesi için, taramalı elektron mikroskobu kullanılmıştır. Son olarak, her bir numunenin kayma direncini belirlemek için çokça bilinen test cihazı, İngiliz sarkacı, ASTM E 303 standart test metoduna göre kullanılmıştır. Tüm analizler dikkate alınarak, makro ve mikro cinsinden yüzey dokusunun cilalanmamış ve cilalanmış durumdaki agregalar ile üretilmiş yüzeysel kaplamaların kayma direncine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Kayma direnci ile ilişkilendirilen yüzey dokularının analizleri neticesinde, mikro dokunun kayma direnci performansında önemli ölçüde belirleyici olduğu görülmüştür. Yüzeysel kaplamaların kayma direnci karşılaştırıldığında, her cilalanma seviyesinde cüruflar ile üretilmiş olan numunelerin, doğal agrega ile üretilmiş olan numunelerden daha iyi performans gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Cürufların geri kazanımı ile sadece çevresel ve ekonomik açıdan yarar sağlanmış olunmayacak, aynı zamanda cürufların yüzeysel kaplamalarda kullanımı ile yüksek kayma direnci yüksek cüruflar ile uzun ömürlü kaplama yüzeylerin elde edilmesi sağlanacaktır. Bu çalışma ile yüksek kayma direncine sahip kaplamların inşa edilebileceği, böylelikle kayma tipi kazaların ve can ve mal kayıplarının azaltılabileceği sonucuna varılabilir.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate skid resistance performance of surface coatings which were produced at laboratory with different aggregate types, particle sizes and polishing levels. Six natural aggregates within three different origins such as limestone, basalt and boulder and four by-products including Electric Arc Furnace and Ferrochrome slags were used to prepare chip seal and slurry seal samples. Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of each aggregate were determined in accordance with European Committee for Standardization test methods and the results compared with the limitations given in Highway Technical Specifications of Turkey. Chip seal samples were prepared with seven different particle size ranging from 2.00 to 19.00 mm, whereas slurry seal samples were manufactured in three different gradations. Macro-textures of surface coating samples were determined with sand patch and outflow meter tests according to ASTM E 965, and ASTM E 2380 standard methods, respectively to determine the known effects of surface texture over skid resistance of the surface coatings. Polishing of aggregates was performed via Micro-Deval apparatus according to ASTM D 6928 standard method which is used to evaluate abrasion resistant of pavement aggregates. To obtain polished aggregates in different levels, five different revolutions were applied in Micro-Deval test changing from 5250 to 52500 in Micro-Deval test. After the tests, polished aggregates were sieved and separated into four particle sizes in the range of 4.00 to 12.50 mm to prepare chip seal samples. For monitoring the aggregate surface at certain polishing levels, scanning electron microscope was utilized. Finally, to identify the skid resistance of each surface coating sample, British Pendulum Tester, which is a widely known test device was utilized according to ASTM E 303 standard method. With regard to all analyses, the effect of macro and micro textures on skid resistance of chip seal samples produced with polished and unpolished aggregate was evaluated. As a results of all analyses, micro-texture was found out a significant decisive feature in skid resistance performance evaluations. Comparing to the skid resistance of surface coatings, samples produced with slags show better performance than the natural aggregates in each polishing level. Recovering slags do not only ensure benefits in environmental and economic aspects, but also utilizing slags in surface coating applications provides high skid resistant and long lasting pavement surface. It can be concluded with this study that, high skid resistant pavements can be constructed with slags, which consequently reduce slip-type traffic accidents and loss of life and property.
The objective of this thesis is to investigate skid resistance performance of surface coatings which were produced at laboratory with different aggregate types, particle sizes and polishing levels. Six natural aggregates within three different origins such as limestone, basalt and boulder and four by-products including Electric Arc Furnace and Ferrochrome slags were used to prepare chip seal and slurry seal samples. Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of each aggregate were determined in accordance with European Committee for Standardization test methods and the results compared with the limitations given in Highway Technical Specifications of Turkey. Chip seal samples were prepared with seven different particle size ranging from 2.00 to 19.00 mm, whereas slurry seal samples were manufactured in three different gradations. Macro-textures of surface coating samples were determined with sand patch and outflow meter tests according to ASTM E 965, and ASTM E 2380 standard methods, respectively to determine the known effects of surface texture over skid resistance of the surface coatings. Polishing of aggregates was performed via Micro-Deval apparatus according to ASTM D 6928 standard method which is used to evaluate abrasion resistant of pavement aggregates. To obtain polished aggregates in different levels, five different revolutions were applied in Micro-Deval test changing from 5250 to 52500 in Micro-Deval test. After the tests, polished aggregates were sieved and separated into four particle sizes in the range of 4.00 to 12.50 mm to prepare chip seal samples. For monitoring the aggregate surface at certain polishing levels, scanning electron microscope was utilized. Finally, to identify the skid resistance of each surface coating sample, British Pendulum Tester, which is a widely known test device was utilized according to ASTM E 303 standard method. With regard to all analyses, the effect of macro and micro textures on skid resistance of chip seal samples produced with polished and unpolished aggregate was evaluated. As a results of all analyses, micro-texture was found out a significant decisive feature in skid resistance performance evaluations. Comparing to the skid resistance of surface coatings, samples produced with slags show better performance than the natural aggregates in each polishing level. Recovering slags do not only ensure benefits in environmental and economic aspects, but also utilizing slags in surface coating applications provides high skid resistant and long lasting pavement surface. It can be concluded with this study that, high skid resistant pavements can be constructed with slags, which consequently reduce slip-type traffic accidents and loss of life and property.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ulaşım, Transportation ; İnşaat Mühendisliği