Synthesis and characterization of some physical properties of Fe3O4 doped MoS2/PANI hybrid composites
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Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Malzemelerde elektromanyetik dalgaları absorbe eden sistemler, gizli uygulamalar ve hassas elektronik ekipmanlar için gereklidir. Bununla birlikte, EMW'yi geniş bir bant genişliği boyunca absorbe etme yeteneği, malzeme sistemleri ve mühendisliğindeki bazı sınırlamalarla hala sınırlıdır. Bant genişliğinin artırılması ve malzeme sistemi yansımalarının azaltılması, gelecekteki gizli teknolojilerin geliştirilmesi için çok önemli ilerlemelerdir. Bu çalışmada, yarı iletken MoS2 nano tabakaları, Fe3O4 manyetik nanopartiküller ve iletken polianilin kullanılarak hibrit yapılar geliştirilmiştir. Bu hibrit yapıların yapısal, manyetik, morfolojik, termal, elektronik ve elektromanyetik özelliklerini incelemek için sistematik bir yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda, elektromanyetik dalgaları etkili bir şekilde absorbe edebilen Fe3O4:MoS2 ve PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2 hibrit yapılarının üstün EMW absorpsiyon özelliklerine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle, F10M90 numunesi 3 mm kalınlıkta ve 7,86 GHz frekansta -54,97 dB'lik minimum yansıma kaybına ulaşmış ve 4,0 GHz'lik etkili bir soğurma aralığına sahip olmuştur. P50F2.5M47.5 numunesi 2 mm kalınlıkta ve 13,18 GHz frekansta -27,58 dB'lik minimum yansıma kaybına ulaşmış ve 8,03 GHz'lik etkili bir soğurma bant genişliğine sahip olmuştur. Deneysel bulgulara dayanarak, hafif yapıları ve yüksek sıcaklık kararlılıkları ile karakterize edilen PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2 gibi hibrit nanokompozitlerin geniş bant aralığında EMW'nin neredeyse %99'unu etkili bir şekilde absorbe edebildiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Systems for absorbing electromagnetic waves in materials are essential for stealth applications and vulnerable electronic equipment. However, the ability to absorb EMW over a large bandwidth is still limited by certain limitations in material systems and engineering. Increasing the bandwidth and reducing material system reflections are crucial advancements for the development of future stealth technologies. In this study, hybrid structures were developed using semiconducting MoS2 nanosheets, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and conductive polyaniline. A systematic approach was employed to examine the structural, magnetic, morphological, thermal, electronic, and electromagnetic properties of these hybrid structures. As a result of the analysis, Fe3O4:MoS2 and PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2 hybrid sturucture, which can effectively absorb electromagnetic waves, were found to have superior EMW absorption properties. In particular, The F10M90 sample achieved a minimum reflection loss of -54.97 dB at a thickness of 3 mm and a frequency of 7.86 GHz, with an effective absorption range of 4.0 GHz. The P50F2.5M47.5 sample achieved a minimum reflection loss of -27.58 dB at a thickness of 2 mm and a frequency of 13.18 GHz, with an effective absorption bandwidth of 8.03 GHz. Based on the experimental findings, it is concluded that hybrid nanocomposites such as PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2, which are characterized by their lightweight structure and high temperature stability, can effectively absorb almost 99% of the EMW in the broadband range.
Systems for absorbing electromagnetic waves in materials are essential for stealth applications and vulnerable electronic equipment. However, the ability to absorb EMW over a large bandwidth is still limited by certain limitations in material systems and engineering. Increasing the bandwidth and reducing material system reflections are crucial advancements for the development of future stealth technologies. In this study, hybrid structures were developed using semiconducting MoS2 nanosheets, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles and conductive polyaniline. A systematic approach was employed to examine the structural, magnetic, morphological, thermal, electronic, and electromagnetic properties of these hybrid structures. As a result of the analysis, Fe3O4:MoS2 and PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2 hybrid sturucture, which can effectively absorb electromagnetic waves, were found to have superior EMW absorption properties. In particular, The F10M90 sample achieved a minimum reflection loss of -54.97 dB at a thickness of 3 mm and a frequency of 7.86 GHz, with an effective absorption range of 4.0 GHz. The P50F2.5M47.5 sample achieved a minimum reflection loss of -27.58 dB at a thickness of 2 mm and a frequency of 13.18 GHz, with an effective absorption bandwidth of 8.03 GHz. Based on the experimental findings, it is concluded that hybrid nanocomposites such as PANI@Fe3O4:MoS2, which are characterized by their lightweight structure and high temperature stability, can effectively absorb almost 99% of the EMW in the broadband range.
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Malzeme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Malzeme Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mühendislik Bilimleri, Engineering Sciences