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Öğe AMERİKAN DİJİTAL TARİHİ (AMERICAN DIGITAL HISTORY) Orville Vernon BURTON(2018) Berk, Fatih; Kanat, Vedat-Öğe MARKET SEEKING OF AMERICA IN MERSIN IN THE LATE OTTOMAN PERIOD(E.U. Printing And Publishing House, 2024) Ulutas, Songul; Kanat, VedatThe capitalist economy and industrial revolution developments, dominated the world conjuncture in the 19th century, formed the political infrastructure of European states. The gradual development of production technologies with the industrial revolution caused western countries to search for markets to sell manufactured goods and raw materials to put production technologies into practice. Commercial firms were marketing their products through intermediary firms or individuals by determining the target market they identified. They run a series of promotional campaigns to make the products or services of companies preferred by people. How these marketing techniques were used by American companies in Mersin, which was a quite new and open port to growth and demand in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, can be found in the letters of American Consulate. The knowledge about the marketing techniques applied by American companies, has been obtained from the letters of the American Consulate. The aim of the study is to reveal how the search for the market in Mersin, a port city, which was open to growth in the late 19th century and early 20th century, was carried out by these numerous American companies.Öğe OSMANLI BASININDA SORUŞTURULMUŞ İKİ KADIN HİKÂYESİ: “OSMANLI KADINLARI” VE “KADIN ZİHNİYETİ”(2023) Kanat, Vedat; Özçelik, ŞeydaOsmanlı Devleti’nde XIX. yüzyıl, toplumun her kesimine kendini ifade etme ortamı sunmuştur. Bu yüzyılda görülen Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet Dönemi’nde insan ve toplum hayatının medeniyet formunda iyileştirmesine hız verilmiştir. Modernleşme adımlarıyla birlikte yalnızca siyasi aktörlerin ön plana çıktığı bir toplum algısı yerine sıradan insanın ve günlük olayların da konu olabileceği bir saha oluşmuştur. Bu sahanın gelişmesindeki başat aktör şüphesiz basın olmuştur. Batılılaşma/modernleşme uygulamalarının anonsörü olan basın; toplumun bütün unsurlarının bilgi yayıcısı olarak görev yapmıştır. Zamanla yazılı ve görsel basın üzerindeki sınırlamalar, Matbuat Nizamnameleri ile belirli standarta bağlanmış ve kimi zaman da anayasal güvence altına alınmıştır. Siyasal iktidara, devlet kurumlarına, tanınmış kişiliklere hakaret etmemek, dini ve örfi kuralları eleştirmemek, hassas ve mahrem konulara dokunmamak, toplumun edep ve ahlakına aykırı yayın yapmama gibi şartları içeren Matbuat Nizamnameleri aynı zamanda herhangi bir yayının sansürlenmesinde referans noktasını oluşturmuştur. Sansürlenen yayınların bir kısmı siyasi konularla ilintiliyken büyük bir kısmı da toplumun ahlaki ve dini değerlerini eleştirdiği gerekçesiyle kısıtlanan yazılardır. Kısıtlanan yazıların içeriğine bakıldığında mahrem görülen kadını ve kadınlık hayatını ilgilendiren pek çok yazıya rastlamak mümkündür. Bu bağlamda çalışma iki farklı zamanda, farklı gazetelerde yayınlanmış ve içerdiği düşünce ve önerileri sebebiyle sansürlenmiş iki kadın hikâyesini içermektedir. Nitel araştırma yöntemi ve dokuman analizi tekniğiyle hazırlanan bu araştırmanın konusu; 1908 yılında Millet gazetesinde yayınlanmış Tevfik Nadir imzalı “Osmanlı Kadınları” ve 1919 yılında Türkçe İstanbul gazetesinde yayınlanmış “Kadın Zihniyeti” isimli hikâyelerin içeriğini kapsamaktadır. Araştırmanın amacı; Osmanlı Devleti’nin basın hayatında yer alan bu iki kadın hikâyesinin soruşturulma gerekçelerini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada; çıkarılan Matbuat Nizamnameleri gereğince adli takibe alınmış ve sansürlenmiş bu iki kadın hikâyesinin ayrıntılarını analiz edilerek, hikâyelerin iktidarı ve dini çevreleri rahatsız eden noktaları açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.Öğe Ottoman Women from the Pen of Spanish Mademoiselle Esmeralda Cervantes at the World Colombus Exhibition in 1893(Hacettepe Univ, 2023) Kanat, Vedat; Ozcelik Kanat, SeydaThe Ottoman Empire, one of the leading actors of the Eastern world, wasan empire closely followed by the whole World. In addition to the political moves of the Empire, social and daily life was also wondered and legendary information was produced particularly about Ottoman women. By the modernization process of the Empire in the 19th century, its official and unofficial life was opened to the national and international public, and this opening caused the Ottoman women to be closely observed by the Europe. European travelers, craftsmen or foreign ambassador wives who came to the Ottoman lands frequently penned about Ottomen women. One of these names was Spanish Mademoiselle Esmeralda Cervantes who lived in the Ottoman capital for a while. Writer, journalist and musician Mademoiselle Esmeralda, who was in Istanbul in the years coincided with the Abdulhamid II reign, was elected as a representative by the Madrid Fine Arts Society to participate in the World Colombus Exhibition, one of the international favorite meetings of the 19th century and held in Chicago in 1893. She wrote a report to make a presentation on the education of women in the Ottoman Empire at the Chicago Literature Congress of Women held within this exhibition. In the report, Mademoiselle gave information about Ottoman, Greek, British, German, Armenian and Jewish girls' schools, which were active in education in the 19th century Istanbul. The aim of the study is to give information about the situation of Islamic/Eastern women and Muslim and non-Muslim girls' school in Istanbul by adhering to the report of Mademoiselle Esmeralda.Öğe Ottoman Women from the Pen of Spanish Mademoiselle Esmeralda Cervantes at the World Colombus Exhibition in 1893(Hacettepe University, 2023) Kanat, Vedat; Özçelik Kanat, ŞeydaThe Ottoman Empire, one of the leading actors of the Eastern world, was an empire closely followed by the whole World. In addition to the political moves of the Empire, social and daily life was also wondered and legendary information was produced particularly about Ottoman women. By the modernization process of the Empire in the 19th century, its official and unofficial life was opened to the national and international public, and this opening caused the Ottoman women to be closely observed by the Europe. European travelers, craftsmen or foreign ambassador wives who came to the Ottoman lands frequently penned about Ottomen women. One of these names was Spanish Mademoiselle Esmeralda Cervantes who lived in the Ottoman capital for a while. Writer, journalist and musician Mademoiselle Esmeralda, who was in Istanbul in the years coincided with the Abdulhamid II reign, was elected as a representative by the Madrid Fine Arts Society to participate in the World Colombus Exhibition, one of the international favorite meetings of the 19th century and held in Chicago in 1893. She wrote a report to make a presentation on the education of women in the Ottoman Empire at the Chicago Literature Congress of Women held within this exhibition. In the report, Mademoiselle gave information about Ottoman, Greek, British, German, Armenian and Jewish girls’ schools, which were active in education in the 19th century Istanbul. The aim of the study is to give information about the situation of Islamic/Eastern women and Muslim and non-Muslim girls’ school in Istanbul by adhering to the report of Mademoiselle Esmeralda. © 2023, Hacettepe University. All rights reserved.Öğe “Zionism” and “Zionist Politics” from the Pen of Sehbenderzade Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi(Abidin Temizer, 2020) Kanat, Vedat; Özçelik, ŞeydaThe aim of Zionism, which began to be spoken at the end of the 19th century, was to obtain a piece of land belonging to the Jews. With this aspect, it separated from belief and located on a political basis. As a political concept, Zionism begun to be discussed in the Ottoman Empire as in every country, and created an important agenda among the Ottoman thinkers and politicians with Constitutional period. One of the thinkers who put forward his ideas on this subject was Sehbenderzade Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi. Ahmed Hilmi, a thinker who lived in the last period of the Ottoman Empire, expressed his thoughts on Zionism in his newspaper, Hikmet, published during the constitutional period. The issue of Zionism took an important place among dozens of the articles written by Ahmed Hilmi in this newspaper, which included many different topics from politics to philosophy. Between the 5th and 22nd issues of the newspaper, Ahmed Hilmi tried to inform his readers and warn against Zionism and Zionists. In the study, the reactions against Zionism have been tried to be evaluated in the political environment in which Ahmed Hilmi was. Besides, the general picture of Zionism has been put forward through this name by giving place to Ahmed Hilmi’s thoughts on Zionist politics, as an important representative of the intellectuals of the period. The political, social and economic methods used by Zionist politics for a certain period have been explained from the point of view of Ahmed Hilmi. © 2020, Abidin Temizer. All rights reserved.