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Öğe A Study on the Perceived Media Literacy Level of Preparatory Year Students in a University Setting(2019) Akçayoğlu, Duygu İşpınar; Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenMedia literacy is defined as the ability to encode and decode the symbols transmitted viamedia and to synthesize, analyze and produce mediated messages. Media literacy raisesquestions about the impact of media and technology, which has the potential to increaseindividuals’ awareness about the effects of media on daily life. The aim of media literacy isto help students become competent, critical and literate in media forms because they needto interpret what they see or hear and prevent the interpretation from controlling them.Therefore, perceptions of students about their media literacy is a topic that requiresattention at various education levels. The present study aimed to identify preparatory yearprogram students’ self-perceptions about media literacy and to explore whether theybenefited from mass media in learning a foreign language, English in this context. Data werecollected using Media Literacy Level Determination Scale developed by Karatas (2008).Open-ended questions that aimed to reveal students’ perceptions of media literacy wereasked with a view to supporting the data obtained from the scale. Both data collection toolsalso aimed to find out the factors associated with media literacy. The findings of the studyare believed to open a perspective for the stakeholders in language teaching process byproviding insight into the university students’ stance towards media literacy.Öğe An Examination of Turkish College-Level Students’ Learned Helplessness States in EFL Context(2018) Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenHuman learning is multi-dimensional and progressive in nature, and it lasts a lifetime, getting influenced through a variety of elements.One of those elements, that is students’ own mental lives, nurture and complete this process since students’ standpoints pertinent tolearning can give a certain shape to their own learning and provide insight into their stance as language learners. Misconceptions ornegative beliefs also have a role in shaping this process.Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the sense of helplessness felt among the university students learning English as a foreignlanguage and the probable reasons behind learned helplessness in EFL context. The data were gathered from a state university in Turkeyand the participants of the study were chosen via “Purposive Sampling”. A total of 35 students, which include freshmen, sophomores,juniors and seniors participated in the study. Data were collected through Learned Helplessness Scale, open-ended learned helplessnessquestionnaire and grid table. The quantitative data were analysed with the use of SPSS, on the other hand, the qualitative data weresubjected to content analysis. Thus, the present study used mixed research design. The study findings pictured two groups of students withand without learned helplessness, and uncovered the students’ self-concepts as language learners and beliefs on learned helplessness inlearning English.Öğe Analysing English-major students’ coping skills for translation problems through scenarios(2021) Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenLearning is a lifetime act, and it is not free of problems. Although problems or difficulties experienced in this process could be perceived as barriers to move further, they can be in fact new opportunities to gain more awareness and explore solutions, and thus, to make learning a conscious and sound process. Therefore, this study focuses on the students’ difficulties in doing translation and their probable solutions to these problems. Since the students started translation practice in their second year at university, the participants of the study were composed of the second year students in translation training program in Turkey. Data were gathered by both open-ended questions and scenarios developed from the participants’ own responses. Hence, the study used qualitative research design, and the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. The study revealed five different problems through the students’ eyes: long sentences, equivalence, terminology, cultural elements and punctuation/grammar issues. Various solutions were elicited for these problems. The findings of the study are expected to provide insight for different areas such as translation training and translation quality improvement.Öğe DİL ÖĞRENME İNANÇLARINA BİR BAKIŞ: BRANŞI İNGİLİZCE OLAN VE OLMAYAN ÖĞRENCİLER(2017) Akçayoğlu, Duygu İşpınar; Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenÖğrenme sürecinin ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak inançlar, öğrenicilerin kararlarını, öğrenme stratejilerini ve hayat boyu öğrenme eğilimlerini şekillendirir. Yabancı dil öğrenmede inançların önemi göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, bu çalışma Türkiye'de üniversite öğrencilerinin yabancı dil olarak İngilizce öğrenme konusundaki inançlarını belirlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Daha özel olarak, çalışma branşı İngilizce olan ve olmayan öğrencilerin dil öğrenme konusundaki inançları arasındaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Katılımcılar, Adana Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi ile Çukurova Ünivesitesi'ne kayıtlı 170 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Mütercim Tercümanlık ve İngiliz Dili Eğitimi bölümleri çalışmanın İngilizce branşında okuyan öğrencilerini oluşturmaktadır. Branşı İngilizce olmayan öğrenciler ise, Adana Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi'nde farklı bölümlere kayıtlı hazırlık sınıfı öğrencileridir. Veriler \"Dil Öğrenimi Hakkında İnanç Envanteri\" ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen açık uçlu anket ile toplanmıştır. Tüm veriler nicel ve nitel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Dil Öğrenimi Hakkında İnanç Envanteri ile toplanan veriler SPSS programı ile analiz edilmiş olup açık uçlu anket ile elde edilen veriler içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma, farklı bölümlerde okuyan öğrencilerin inançlarını ortaya koymuş ve dile yaklaşımlarını göstermiştir, böylelikle üniversite düzeyinde öğrencilere ve öğretim elemanlarına çıkarımlar sunmuşturÖğe Learning Climate and Self-Efficacy Beliefs of High School Students in an EFL Setting(2019) Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenLanguage learning constitutes a prominent need in the 21st century, andmany factors influence it, such as cognitive, affective, social, cultural and physicalconditions. Considering that where we learn language impacts how we feel whilelearning, the present study dwells upon two of these conditions: learning climate andself-efficacy. In this study, 192 students from a vocational high school in Turkeywere administered a Learning Climate Questionnaire, Self-efficacy Scale and oneopen-ended question that explored their attributions for success or failure in learningEnglish. This descriptive study used a mixed research design.. The results showedthat high school students have positive perceptions of their learning climate and theirown abilities to learn English although they remain neutral on most issues, whichmight be indicative of their unconstructed opinions on learning atmosphere and theirown language learning abilities. A statistically significant relationship was foundbetween learning climate and self-efficacy. Qualitative data also shed light ontostudents’ attributions for success and failure in learning English Therefore, thepresent study has implications for stakeholders who make decisions on languagelearning and teaching procedures.Öğe Perceived academic motivation and learner empowerment levels of efl students in Turkish context(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2020) Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenLanguage learning has become one of the needs of humans to maintain communication in the globalized world. However, it is not an isolated process and confined to linguistic skills. It gets affected by a lot of affective factors and learners’ beliefs. One of these elements is undoubtedly academic motivation, which makes language learning a more complete process, and it brings the sense of empowerment together. Therefore, the present study focuses on the academic motivation and learner empowerment from the students’ perspectives and on the probable relationship between them. 150 vocational high school students who took English as a compulsory course constituted the participants of the study. The study used mixed methods research design. The quantitative data were gathered through Academic Motivation Scale and Learner Empowerment Scale. The qualitative data were obtained via open-ended questions. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were utilized. Quantitative data were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The qualitative data were subjected to the content analysis. As a result of the study, students appeared to have moderate level of academic motivation. Similarly, perceived learner empowerment was found to be at moderate level. The correlation between academic motivation and learner empowerment was positive. What is more, the findings indicated a statistically significant relationship between academic motivation and learner empowerment. Higher motivation could feed the sense of empowerment in learning English. The study aimed to provide insights and implications for instructors to build a supportive learning environment based on students’ perceived academic motivation and learner empowerment levels. © 2020, Ozgen Korkmaz. All rights reserved.Öğe READING UNDER INVESTIGATION: DISPOSITIONS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN AN EFL SETTING(2018) Dağgöl, Gökçe Dişlen; Akçayoğlu, Duygu İşpınarMetacognitive awareness in reading has been subject to much concern in various language levels and learning environments. This study aims to explore university students’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategies in English as a foreign language from both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The study adopted a mixed method approach to explore the reading dispositions of 187 preparatory class students who were enrolled in Adana Science and Technology University. Students’ metacognitive awareness for reading was investigated under Global Reading Strategies, Problem-Solving Strategies, Support Strategies, and General Reading Tendencies sub-categories. Data obtained from the study revealed students’ various reading habits which provided insights from their perspectives and implications for the learning and teaching processes in the context of preparatory programs at university level.Öğe Reflections and Metaphoric Perceptions of Translator Trainees Related to Translators’ Status(2020) Dağgöl, Gökçe Dişlen; Akçayoğlu, Duygu İşpınarThroughout history, translation has had a notable role in the spread of knowledge. Contrary to what is assumed, translation is not confined to just finding the equivalences of words. Translators are quite active in the translating process, and translation,as a multidimensional act, requires variousskillsandresponsibilities.However,despitethefactthat translation is a very old human activity, translation as a profession seems to require more time to gain the desired status, which is the focus of thisstudy. This study aims to reveal prospective translators’ perceptions about their future profession before they start working as professional translators, and it focuses on students’ viewpoints about translation, translators, status of translators and theprobable ways to enhance the status of translators. Hence, 23 second-year students enrolled in the Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies were included in this study. Data were collected qualitatively through reflection papers and open-ended question forms that aimed to elicit the participants’ views regarding the definition of translation and suggestions about improving the status of translators. The findings indicate that translator trainees have different descriptions regarding translation, translators, and translation processes and think that translators have low-status. The study provides a number of suggestions of prospective translators to increase the status of the profession.Öğe Revisiting EFL students’ language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies(2022) Dağgöl, Gökçe DişlenThe need to learn English is increasing more and more to keep up with the changes caused by globalization. However, what you learn is as important as how you learn it because the way you learn it influences the efficiency, permanence and sustainability of learning. One of these ways in undoubtedly is autonomous language learning. Taking the responsibility of one’s own learning could make the process more concrete and conscious, thus paving the way for lifetime learning. Having such traits gains greater importance at tertiary level where students are expected to be autonomous and lifelong learners. Hence, the present study dwelled upon the probable relationship between language learning autonomy and lifelong learning tendencies of EFL university students. The participants were both English-majoring and non-English majoring students. The data were collected and analyzed quantitatively. The study revealed a positive and significant relationship between language learner autonomy and lifelong learning. EFL students were found to have high beliefs of these constructs. The relation with age, gender and major was also investigated. Pedagogical implications were discussed at the end of the study.