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Öğe A micro named data networking (µNDN framework for internet of things over ieee 802.15.4(Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, 2024) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilNesnelerin İnterneti (IoT), popülerliğini gün geçtikçe artıran bir konsepttir. Günlük hayatta artık sıklıkla karşılaşmaya başladığımız bu IoT cihazları, sağlık, akıllı ev/ofis, tarım, otomasyon gibi pek çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. IoT ağları çoğunlukla bu IoT cihazlarından veri almaya dayalıdır. Bu veri-merkezcil yaklaşım, günümüzde popülaritesi oldukça artan Veri Merkezli Ağ (ICN) mimarilerinden birisi olan Adlandırılmış Veri Ağları'nın (NDN) veri-merkezciliği ile örtüşmektedir. Bunun sonucunda, IoT konseptinin ve NDN mimarisinin birleşimi, NDNoT konseptini ortaya çıkartmıştır. Bu çalışma, oldukça yeni olan NDNoT konsepti üzerindeki gelişmelere odaklanırken, bu konsept ile uyumlu olan µNDN protokol yığınını ve yenilikçi IfNoT mekanizmasını önermektedir. Çalışma, bunların yanı sıra, TM-RONR iletim mekanizmasını da literatüre sunmaktadır. Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmaların yanı sıra, µNDN yığını üzerinde etkisi olabilecek önbellekleme, FIB boyutu gibi kavramlar da incelenmiş ve performans analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur.Öğe A Named Data Networking Stack for Contiki NG OS(IEEE, 2022) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilThe current Internet has become the dominant use with continuing growth in the home, medical, health, smart cities, and industrial automation applications which are enabled by smart objects (constrained devices). These devices sense, gather and actuate information in their deployed environment. This concept is called as Internet of Things (IoT). In other words, IoT phenomenon is an emerging technology enabling such applications in our lives. IoT is regarded as a fourth industrial revolution because of it extensive coverage of services and applications. Intrinsically, Internet architecture and protocols has become a natural approach to apply to IoT design. However, despite the success of the Internet architecture and protocols, recent research has been reporting the deficiencies of this approach. IoT-based applications demand content oriented services. However, Internet design is host-centric. This architectural departure has led the researches into design of Future Internet Architectures (FIAs). Among them, Named data Networking (NDN) is also emerging as a promising FIA where it fits the communication needs of IoT networks typically. As a result, NDN architecture and protocols are considered to be implemented for IoT devices. Nevertheless, there are only a few implementation exists currently. Because of all of these reasons, we have aimed to provide design and implementation detail of a light-weight NDN protocol stack, called as mu NDN, running on Contiki Operating System (OS) for constrained IoT devices. Contiki is an OS that is developed for constrained IoT devices. In this study, an NDN protocol stack that can work on top of IEEE 802.15.4 link and physical layers has been developed and presented. As far as we know, there is no any fully-functional open source NDN implementation in Contiki OS.Öğe A Named Data Networking Stack for Contiki NG OS(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilThe current Internet has become the dominant use with continuing growth in the home, medical, health, smart cities, and industrial automation applications which are enabled by smart objects (constrained devices). These devices sense, gather and actuate information in their deployed environment. This concept is called as Internet of Things (IoT). In other words, IoT phenomenon is an emerging technology enabling such applications in our lives. IoT is regarded as a fourth industrial revolution because of it extensive coverage of services and applications. Intrinsically, Internet architecture and protocols has become a natural approach to apply to IoT design. However, despite the success of the Internet architecture and protocols, recent research has been reporting the deficiencies of this approach. IoT-based applications demand content oriented services. However, Internet design is host-centric. This architectural departure has led the researches into design of Future Internet Architectures (FIAs). Among them, Named data Networking (NDN) is also emerging as a promising FIA where it fits the communication needs of IoT networks typically. As a result, NDN architecture and protocols are considered to be implemented for IoT devices. Nevertheless, there are only a few implementation exists currently. Because of all of these reasons, we have aimed to provide design and implementation detail of a light-weight NDN protocol stack, called as ? textNDN, running on Contiki Operating System (OS) for constrained IoT devices. Contiki is an OS that is developed for constrained IoT devices. In this study, an NDN protocol stack that can work on top of IEEE 802.15.4 link and physical layers has been developed and presented. As far as we know, there is no any fully-functional open source NDN implementation in Contiki OS. © 2022 IEEE.Öğe Avatar: Uzaktan Sağlık Hizmetleri Için Bilgi Merkezli Nesnelerin İnterneti Ağ Mimarisi Ve Protokolleri(2022) Demir, Alper Kamil; Manap, Gökçe; Bilgili, SedatSon yıllarda elektronik ve tümleşik devrelerdeki gelişmeler insan vücudu üzerinde giyilebilir veya implante edilebilir küçük ve akıllı tıbbi cihazların ve kameraların geliştirilmesine öncülük etmiştir. Bu cihazlar aracılığı ile insan üzerindeki fizyolojik veriler toplanabilir ve kamera gözetimi yapılabilir. Bu cihazlara kablosuz haberleşme ünitesi takıldığında bir ağ ortamında fizyolojik veri toplama ve haberleşme özelliği kazanırlar. Örneğin: Nabız oksimetri algılayıcısı ile kişilerin kalp atışı, kandaki oksijen doyum seviyesi ve derideki kan hacminin değişim seviyesi ölçülebilir. ECG algılayıcısı ile kişinin kalp fonksiyonları takip edilebilir. EMG algılayıcısı ile kişilerin kas fonksiyonları takip edilebilir. EEG algılayıcısı ile kişilerin beyin aktiviteleri takip edilebilir. BP algılayıcısı ile kişilerin organ hasarı ve kardiyovasküler durumu takip edilebilir. Hareket algılayıcıları ile kişilerin aktiviteleri takip edilebilir. Böyle bir kablosuz haberleşme ağı örneğin bir evde, hastanede, bakım evinde veya huzurevinde hastaların takibinde kullanılabilir. Hastaların fizyolojik verileri ve kamera görüntüleri İnternet üzerinden bir hasta gözetim merkezine (örneğin bir hastaneye) iletildiğinde hastaların sağlık durumları ile ilgili uzaktan gözetim yapılabilir AVATAR projesinin bir ilk-örneği üniversitemizin araştırma laboratuvarında yer alan test yatağında gerçekleştirilecektir. Bu nedenle uygulamanın evde, hastanede, bakım evinde veya huzurevinde gerçekleştirilmesine gerek yoktur. AVATAR projesi üniversitemizin araştırma laboratuvarında yürütüleceği için hayati işaret verileri laboratuvarda gönüllü çalışacak öğrenciler üzerinden toplanacaktır. Gerekli etik kurul kararı alınmıştır ve ekte sunulmuştur. İnsan üzerindeki fizyolojik verileri toplayan algılayıcıların ve kameraların bazıları araştırma laboratuvarlarında veya sanayide geliştirilmiştir. Bu cihazlar Nesnelerin İnterneti ortamında kullanılabilir. AVATAR projesinde fizyolojik algılayıcılarla donatılmış bireylerin sağlık durumlarını gösteren verilerin ve kamera görüntülerinin en etkin hangi bilgi merkezli ağ protokolleriyle ve algoritmalarıyla bir hasta gözlem merkezine İnternet aracılığı ile iletilmesi problemi üzerine çalışılacaktır. Yani bireylerin sağlık verileri ve kamera görüntüleri Nesnelerin İnterneti ortamında CCN-Lite/802.15.4 protokol katmanı üzerinden bir ara-geçide, ara-geçit üzerinden de bir hasta gözlem merkezine iletilecektir. CCN-Lite bilgi merkezli ağ yaklaşımlarından biri olan CCNx?in kaynakları kısıtlı Nesnelerin İnterneti cihazları için geliştirilmiş bir sürümüdür. Literatürde CCN-Lite ile birlikte çalışan az sayıda yönlendirme protokolü bulunsa da bu protokollerin performans analizi üzerine bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle AVATAR projesinde CCN-Lite ile birlikte çalışacak bireylerin hayati sağlık verilerini ve kamera görüntülerini taşıyacak daha verimli yönlendirme protokolleri de geliştirilecektir. Bireylerin fizyoloji verilerinin ve kamera görüntülerinin bir hasta gözetim merkezine gerçek-zamanlı olarak iletilmesi de önem arz eder. AVATAR projesinde CCN-Lite üzerinde çalışacak gerçek-zamanlı veri aktarımı sağlayacak bir uygulama katmanı protokolü de geliştirilecektir. Böylelikle bireylerin fizyoloji sağlık verilerini ve kamera görüntülerini uçtan uca taşıyan AVATAR uygulaması çalışır hale getirilecektir. Özetle, AVATAR projesi kapsamında bireylerin hayati işaret verilerinin ve kamera görüntülerinin en verimli bilgi merkezli Nesnelerin İnterneti ağ protokolleri ile bir hasta gözlem merkezine iletilmesi üzerine çalışılacaktır.Öğe Determination of the Ideal Protocol Stack for the Transmission of Health Data over 6LoWPAN IoT Networks(2020) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilIt is expected that almost every day electronic devices will be connected to the existing internet infrastructure in the context of Internet of Things (IoT). These devices will enable to sense and actuate the physical world. It is foreseen that miniaturized e-health devices will enable monitoring vital health of patients. There exist some studies on networking these e-health devices within the Internet. In this realm, several network protocols are being standardized. 6LoWPAN of IETF is one of these efforts where some set of protocols can be stacked over IEEE 802.15.4 radio. However, it is not clear that which ideal protocol stack for transmission of health data can be adopted well. The novelty of this work is that we studied determination of ideal protocol stack for transmitting health data over 6LoWPAN IoT networks. So then, we carried extensive simulations over Cooja simulator. The compelling results are presented in this work. The results show that 6LoWPAN IoT health networks can be used to serve vital health data of patients.Öğe DIGEST: a decentralized divergecast scheduling algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH in the internet of things(Springer, 2021) Demir, Alper Kamil; Bilgili, SedatInternet of Things is emerging as a commercial phenomenon. It is conjectured that billions of appliances will be connected within the current Internet infrastructure by 2020. These networked appliances require low-power radio and reliability. Hence, IEEE brought up a very efficient, reliable and deterministic time-frequency enabled medium access control protocol, IEEE 802.15.4e time slotted channel hopping (TSCH), on top of low power IEEE 802.15.4 radio for the industrial market. IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH is able to run a communication schedule for MAC upon a communication schedule is built. However, the issue of how such scheduling will be made, updated, and maintained is beyond the scope of the IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH standard. The unit responsible for these tasks is also out of its scope. That means, required scheduling mechanism is absent in this standard. In order to complete this gap, several communication scheduling algorithms are introduced in the literature. In this study, we first introduce another decentralized divergecast communication scheduling algorithm, called as DIGEST, where divergecast implies that network traffic moves in any directions opposed to convergecast where network traffic moves from leave nodes to root. That DIGEST algorithm tries to schedule time slots by selecting a neighbor node at first. When choosing a neighbor node, it tries to make almost equal number of dedicated time slots to each neighbor. In this way, it can provide better schedules with neighbor nodes than other scheduling algorithms. We evaluate the effectiveness of DIGEST, Diva, and Berkeley's Aloha-based scheduling algorithms under static and mobile environments by running extensive simulations. Our simulation results indicate that the DIGEST algorithm is superior to the others in terms of the neighbor connectivity ratio.Öğe DIVA: a distributed divergecast scheduling algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH networks(Springer, 2019) Demir, Alper K.; Bilgili, SedatIEEE standardized a highly efficient, low power, reliable, deterministic and time-frequency enabled medium access control protocol, IEEE 802.15.4e time slotted channel hopping (TSCH) as an amendment to the medium access control (MAC) protocol defined by the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Once a communication schedule is built, the IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH is able to execute such a communication schedule. IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH standard lea ves out of scope defining how that communication schedule is built, updated and maintained. In order to fill this gap, we introduce such a scheduling algorithm, called as DIVA. DIVA is specifically designed for IEEE 8092.15.4e TSCH networks. It is a totally distributed scheduling algorithm for divergecast traffic where divergecast means that traffic flows in all directions in contrast to convergecast where traffic flows from leave nodes to root. In order to gain more comprehension about DIVA, we conducted extensive simulations. We also compared DIVA with Berkeley's Aloha-based algorithm.Öğe Fine Tuning Distributed Divergecast Scheduling Algorithms in IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH for Internet of Everything(IEEE, 2019) Demir, Alper K.; Bilgili, SedatThe concept of the Internet of Everything (IoE) is an area of great interest, with a lot of attention. The fact that it is used in almost all areas makes this concept progress much faster. The devices used in the environments of this concept are required to be minimal in terms of hardware as well as their energy consumption. Although there are different ways of minimizing energy consumption in these devices, one of the most promising protocols that provide mentioned demands is the IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. This protocol runs on 802.15.4 radio and requires a communication schedule for MAC. How and when these schedules, updates and maintenance will take place are not covered by this protocol. Several solutions are available in the literature to solve these problems. Distributed divergecast Aloha based scheduling and DIVA scheduling algorithms are two of these solutions. Both algorithms make their scheduling according to certain probability calculations. Changing the values of these probability calculations is a novel research with evaluation results in this paper. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the change in the related probability variables on the performance and try to find the best possible values. It has been observed that the changes in these calculation values have an effect on network converge time.Öğe Fine tuning distributed divergecast scheduling algorithms in IEEE 802.1S.4e TSCH for internet of everything(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019) Demir, Alper K.; Bilgili, SedatThe concept of the Internet of Everything (IoE) is an area of great interest, with a lot of attention. The fact that it is used in almost all areas makes this concept progress much faster. The devices used in the environments of this concept are required to be minimal in terms of hardware as well as their energy consumption. Although there are different ways of minimizing energy consumption in these devices, one of the most promising protocols that provide mentioned demands is the IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. This protocol runs on 802.15.4 radio and requires a communication schedule for MAC. How and when these schedules, updates and maintenance will take place are not covered by this protocol. Several solutions are available in the literature to solve these problems. Distributed divergecast Aloha based scheduling and DIVA scheduling algorithms are two of these solutions. Both algorithms make their scheduling according to certain probability calculations. Changing the values of these probability calculations is a novel research with evaluation results in this paper. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the change in the related probability variables on the performance and try to find the best possible values. It has been observed that the changes in these calculation values have an effect on network converge time. © 2019 IEEE.Öğe IfNot: An approach towards mitigating interest flooding attacks in Named Data Networking of Things(Elsevier, 2024) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper Kamil; Alam, ShahidNamed Data Networking (NDN) has emerged as a model to accommodate content distribution, security, and mobility. Recently, NDN has been applied to the Internet of Things (IoT), referred to as Named Data Networking of Things (NDNoT). In the rapidly evolving landscape of the NDNoT securing data transmission is paramount. The main purpose and contribution of the research presented in this paper is to safeguard the security vulnerabilities of data transmission in NDNoT. This paper specifically addresses the critical issue of interest flooding attacks in NDNoT. These attacks can disrupt network operations posing far-reaching threats to data integrity and availability. To mitigate these attacks and threats the paper introduces the IfNoT mechanism and evaluates its performance through comprehensive simulations in a realistic and recognized simulator, called Cooja. IfNot identifies the potential interest flooding attacker nodes in the NDNoT environment. It reduces the impact of the attack and the undesirable interest traffic caused by such an attack, which optimizes the network resource utilization at a maximum level. The study also explores the influence of key parameters provided by the IfNoT mechanism. Moreover, the study also identifies optimum settings for these parameters to enhance network utilization. When evaluated using various metrics, including success rate, average latency, and total interest traffic, under different conditions and parameter settings, IfNoT was able to counter the interest flooding attacks effectively. IfNoT mechanism is able to increase success ratio up to 28%, decrease average latency up to 31%, and decrease total interest traffic up to 58%.Öğe On the Forwarding Information Base Sizing in Named Data Networking of Things(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Manap, Gokce; Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilNamed Data Networking (NDN) is a new network architecture derived from the success of the Internet. Specifically, NDN addresses and identifies data by naming. Source and destination host addresses are not required for data communication in the NDN because the data is uniquely named instead. In the NDN network, the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table is responsible for data forwarding, the Pending Interest Table (PIT) is liable for holding the state of data forwarding process, and the Content Store (CS) is used to stock data chunks within the network to optimize the forwarding time to the data without contacting to the content producer. All these data structures consume the memory of devices existing in the Named Data Networking of Things (NDNoT). Accordingly, the size of the FIB, PIT and CS needs to be carefully adjusted in NDNoT environments for performance tuning and Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning. In this study, we explore the issues of FIB sizing on average and maximum occupancy, reliability and maximum delay for constant bit rate (CBR) traffic where each content producer is addressed with a prefix name in the Cooja simulator environment. The results indicate that FIB table size has an impact on the reliability and maximum delay. During the number of records in FIB outpaces the count of nodes in the network, the reliability decreases gradually. Therefore, in constrained NDNoT environment careful allocation of the memory among FIB, PIT and CS becomes an important issue. According to our knowledge so far, this work is the first study showing the effect of FIB table on the performance in an NDNoT environment. © 2022 IEEE.Öğe The Design and Implementation of an Information Centric Networking Architecture in Contiki NG OS(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022) Demir, Alper Kamil; Bilgili, SedatInformation Centric Networking (ICN) has been proposed as an encouraging remedy for solving complications of traditional IP based architecture. In this work, we present the design and implementation of an ICN framework in Contiki NG OS, a prominent operating system (OS) for constrained IoT devices that have limited computing and communication capabilities. Elementary end-to-end communication paradigms of Named Data Networking (NDN), inspired from ICN concepts and proposed as one of Future Internet Architectures (FIA), is integrated to Contiki NG OS developed for low-power and constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Our results demonstrate the expediency of using the NDN concept for constrained IoT devices in Contiki NG OS. © 2022 IEEE.Öğe Transmitting vital health data with standart internet of things protocols(Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, 2019) Bilgili, Sedat; Demir, Alper KamilNesnelerin interneti, günümüzde oldukça popüler olan teknolojilerden birisidir. Son yıllarda, nesnelerin internetinin günlük hayattaki kullanımları artmaktadır ve zaman içerisinde daha da artması öngörülmektedir. IoT cihazları, herhangi bir kullanıcıya gerek kalmaksızın, otonom şekilde iletişim yapabilmenin yanı sıra, üzerlerinde bulunan sensörler aracılığı ile veri elde edebilir, veya kendilerine gelen verileri işleyebilirler. Nesnelerin interneti konsepti, fabrika otomasyonları, akıllı trafik yönetim sistemleri, akıllı şehir sistemleri, ev otomasyon sistemleri ve daha birçok alanda kullanılabilmektedir. Sağlık sektörü de IoT sistemlerinin kullanıldığı alanlardan birisidir. IoT sistemleri ile, hastaların sağlık verileri otonom olarak uzaktan elde edilebilir. Takip altında olması gereken hastalar, elverişsiz hastane koşulları, kalabalık ve maliyet gibi olumsuz nedenler yüzünden evde veya bakım evlerinde kalmayı tercih edebilir. Bu durumlara çözüm olarak, sağlık verilerini toplayarak bir sağlık merkezine iletebilen IoT sistemleri düşünülebilir. IoT sistemleri ile çalışabilen farklı ağ protokol yığınları mevcuttur. Söz konusu olan sağlık verilerinin iletimi olduğunda, bu protokol yığınının, sağlık verilerini en doğru ve en hızlı şekilde taşıyabilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, bu protokol yığınlarının, sağlık verileri iletimininde kullanılabilirliği incelenmiştir ve kullanılabilir olan yığınların ise performansları analiz edilmiştir.