Dağgöl, Gökçe Dişlen2025-01-062025-01-0620191307-4733https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/359483https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14669/1135Language learning constitutes a prominent need in the 21st century, andmany factors influence it, such as cognitive, affective, social, cultural and physicalconditions. Considering that where we learn language impacts how we feel whilelearning, the present study dwells upon two of these conditions: learning climate andself-efficacy. In this study, 192 students from a vocational high school in Turkeywere administered a Learning Climate Questionnaire, Self-efficacy Scale and oneopen-ended question that explored their attributions for success or failure in learningEnglish. This descriptive study used a mixed research design.. The results showedthat high school students have positive perceptions of their learning climate and theirown abilities to learn English although they remain neutral on most issues, whichmight be indicative of their unconstructed opinions on learning atmosphere and theirown language learning abilities. A statistically significant relationship was foundbetween learning climate and self-efficacy. Qualitative data also shed light ontostudents’ attributions for success and failure in learning English Therefore, thepresent study has implications for stakeholders who make decisions on languagelearning and teaching procedures.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLearning Climate and Self-Efficacy Beliefs of High School Students in an EFL SettingArticle3511935948313