Erendor, Mehmet EminÖztarsu, Mehmet Fatih2025-01-062025-01-0620191303-00352147-3064 the increase of the importance of the South Caucasus after the collapse ofthe Soviet Union, regional and global powers have tried to product new policiesto have a relationship with the counties of the region. The regional countries suchas Russia, Turkey and Iran have more advantageous than other states but thedetermination of the policies of these states are different from each other. Forinstance, Iran’s approach is based on the pragmatist politics and the country totry to balance its policies in the region in terms of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Themain aim of this article is to determine the different aspects of Iranian foreignpolicy preferences towards Azerbaijan and Armenia in the context ofpragmatism.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessIRANIAN RELATIONS WITH AZERBAIJAN AND ARMENIA: A COMPARATIVE APPROACH IN THE CASE OF PRAGMATIST POLITICSArticle176115731326519