Yıldızhan, Hasan2025-01-062025-01-0620191308-214010.29228/TurkishStudies.36845https://doi.org/10.29228/TurkishStudies.36845https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/353077https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14669/674The electricity demand of Turkey is increasing rapidly for the lasttwo decades due to the fast industrialization, population growth,urbanization and economic development. For this reason, it iscompulsory that Turkey must adopt the most suitable incentive policy forenergy resources towards the goal of increasing electricity productionamount to meet its demand. In this study, incentives for different energyresources (natural gas assisted thermal power plants, coal assistedthermal power plants, renewable energy resources, nuclear energy) thatTurkey adopts in the production of electricity and propositions have beenprovided. In the study, Turkey’s current energy potential has beendetermined and; these resources’ share values and potentials fordevelopment have been given within the total energy production. Afterevaluation, it has been determined that - in order to enable coal assistedthermal power plants’ getting developed more and faster compared toother energy resources; giving various incentives and promotionpriviledges by the public is better. In addition to this, according to theinformation given in 2015-2019 Strategical Plan of Energy and NaturalResources Ministry; it has been notified that domestic coal usage in theelectricity production will increase in the era to come. Incentives given forrenewable energy resources in the electricity production are less than theincentives provided for coal assisted thermal power plants and nuclearenergy, in proportion. Due to environmental problems and its being adomestic resource, Turkey should increase the incentives it implementsfor renewable energy resources. Turkey should practise effective incentivepolicies prioritizing production from its own energy resources. Within thiscontext, it is necessary for Turkey to limit thermal power plants operatingon natural gas for the electricity production purpose. Because it iscompulsory for Turkey’s energy supply security and in terms of foreigntrade.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessİşletmeEnerji ve YakıtlarİktisatTURKEY’S INCENTIVE POLICIES IN ELECTRICITY PRODUCTIONArticle35626354735307714