Nigussie, GashawMelak, HareguaAnnisa, Milkyas Endale2025-01-062025-01-0620212149-012010.18596/jotcsa.929188 genus Rhamnus belongs to the Rhamnaceae family, which contains approximately 137species, traditionally used as folk medicine in East Asia, North and South America, and subtropicalregions of Africa. The genus is used traditionally to treat diseases such as cancer, wound, jaundice,hepatitis, gonorrhea, laxative, hypertension, malaria, stomach ache, snake bite and diarrhea.Anthraquinones and flavonoids are the most cited compounds from the genus of which polyphenols wereabundant with tremendous antioxidant, wound healing and antiinflammatory activities. Pharmacologicalactivity evaluation of the extracts and isolated compounds revealed anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,antimalarial, antibacterial, anti-mutagenic, anti-genotoxic, hepatoprotective, anticancer, and antiproliferative activity. The genus afforded drug leads such as 6-methoxysorigenin (12) and prinoidin (23)with anti-tyrosinase and cytotoxicity, respectively, as well as antioxidant drug leads such as Kaempferol3-O-?-rhamninoside (31) rhamnetin-3-O-?-isorhamninoside (37) and isotorachrysone (55). Thepresent review endeavors to provide a comprehensive and up to date compilation of documentedtraditional medicinal uses, phytochemicals and pharmacological activities of the genus and providedvaluable information in support of its uses as an alternative medicine for future healthcare practice.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRhamnusflavonoidsanthraquinonespharmacological activitiesTraditional Medicinal Uses, Phytochemicals, and Pharmacological Activities of Genus Rhamnus: A reviewReview Article93238994510828