Uludamar, Erinç2025-01-062025-01-0620191019-1011https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/322373https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14669/1108Commercially, many types of lifts and ramps are available to help the wheelchair users getting on and offthe vehicles. In this study, a foldable wheelchair lift, which has a single arm was analysed by FiniteElement Method according to specified maximum carrying mass of 300 kg in Directive 2001/85/EC.Examination was carried out on the manufactured wheelchair lift to validate the result of Finite ElementAnalysis. Initial analyses have shown that the lift is insufficient to be safe. Hence a modification wasperformed on the lift. After the modification, maximum von-Mises stress was calculated as 300.15 MPain the cantilever beam of the platform which is produced by S355JR quality steel. The largest deformationwas measured as 82.4 mm and 78.3 mm on the manufactured lift and on the model, respectively. Modalanalysis indicates the result of the first eight modes occurred in low frequencies.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDesign and Finite Element Analysis of a Foldable and Single-Arm Wheelchair Lift for M-Class VehiclesArticle4213332237334