DSpace Repository

Department of Aerospace Engineering / Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği

Department of Aerospace Engineering / Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği


Recent Submissions

  • Acikkar, Mustafa; Altunkol, Yunus (NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS / SPRINGER, 2023-09)
    Hyperparameter optimization is vital in improving the prediction accuracy of support vector regression (SVR), as in all machine learning algorithms. This study introduces a new hybrid optimization algorithm, namely PSOGS, ...
    Aerodynamic parts such as rocket nose and heat shield related composites are mainly produced with filament winding machines. Winding angle of the reinforcement filament is the main parameter to determine the thermomechanical ...
  • Farsadi, Touraj; Kayran, Altan (WIND ENERGY / WILEY, 2021-01)
    For wind turbine blades with the increased slenderness ratio, flutter instability may occur at lower wind and rotational speeds. For long blades, at the flutter condition, relative velocities at blade sections away from ...
    In the present study, the flow control mechanism of SD7062 airfoil by a rod illustrated using Particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique at pre-stall angles of attack at Reynolds number of Re = 30000. The rod was installed ...
  • Aydin, Emine Avsar; Karaoglan, Selin Yabaci (TEHNICKI GLASNIK-TECHNICAL JOURNAL / UNIVERSITY NORTH, 2020-12)
    Microwave imaging provides an alternative method for breast cancer screening and the diagnosis of cerebrovascular accidents. Before a surgical operation, the performance of microwave imaging systems should be evaluated on ...
    In this paper, a fast implicit iteration scheme called the alternating cell directions implicit (ACDI) method is combined with the approximate factorization scheme. The use of fast implicit iteration methods with unstructured ...
  • Bicer, Mustafa Berkan; Aydin, Emine Avsar (PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES IN MEDICINE / SPRINGER, 2021-12)
    This paper proposes a novel and compact monopole microstrip antenna design with a three-dimensional (3D) printed curved substrate for biomedical applications. A curved substrate was formed by inserting a semi-cylinder ...
  • Avsar Aydin, Emine (POLYMERS / MDPI, 2021-11)
    In this study, the effects of graphene and design differences on bow-tie microstrip antenna performance and bandwidth improvement were investigated both with simulation and experiments. In addition, the conductivity of ...
  • Haghighi, Hassan; Delahaye, Daniel; Asadi, Davood (APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING / ELSEVIER, 2022-03)
    Emergency Landing is a complex problem of optimal path planning of an impaired airplane in presence of obstacles, while the airplane performance characteristics have degraded. Some in-flight failures can affect the airplane ...
    We introduce a model of the hyperbolic plane which arises from Thurston's ideas on best Lipschitz maps between surfaces. More precisely, we apply Thurston's theory to the space of Euclidean triangles. We prove that the ...
  • Ahmadi Dastgerdi, Karim; Asadihendoustani, Davood; Nabavi Chashmi, Seyed Yaser (International Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics (IJAA) / Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022-04)
    The multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have rapidly attracted interest of the researchers since they play a unique role in a variety of areas including the military, agriculture, rescue, and mining. Actuator fault ...
  • Acikkar, Mustafa; Sivrikaya, Osman (Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (EJOSAT) = European Journal of Science and Technology / Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2020-04)
    Bu çalışmada yıkanmış Türk linyit kömürlerinin üst ısıl değeri (GCV), makine öğrenmesi yöntemleri ile kömür numunelerinin kuru baz kısa analiz sonuçları kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Laboratuvar kömür analiz sonuçlarından ...
  • Saglam, Ismail; Torun, Ahmet Refah (Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi = Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Journal of Science / Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi, 2020-03)
    Sabit bir iç açı datasına sahip her düz diskler ailesinin bilardo akışı topolojik geçişli olan yoğun bir Gδ kümesi içerdiğini gösteriyoruz.
  • Ozkan, Gokturk Memduh; Durhasan, Tahir; Pinar, Engin (Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi = Cukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering / Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2020-12)
    Bu çalışmada, dairesel bir silindir art izinde oluşan girdap kaynaklı türbülanslı akışın, farklı ve kısmi geçirgenlik oranlarına sahip kavisli delikli plaka (kontrol elemanı) ile kontrolü incelenmiştir. Ele alınan parametre ...
  • Durhasan, Tahir (Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi = Cukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering / Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2019-03)
    Bu çalışmada, uzun açıklıklı ikiz tabliyeler arasındaki akışın dairesel kesitli çubuk ile kontrol edilmesi hedeflenmiştir. İki tabliye arasındaki mesafenin tabliye yüksekliğine oranı L/H=1,7 ve dairesel kesitli çubuğun ...
  • Torun, Ahmet Refah; Yigit, Ahmet Batuhan (OPUS © Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi = International Journal of Society Researches / İdeal Kent Yayınları, 2019-09)
    The perceptions and attitudes of the society and potential consumers is a major issue to adopt energy-sustainable product innovations. Current critical issues such as global warming, reducing energy sources and air pollution ...
  • Durhasan, Tahir (Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi = Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Journal of Science / Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi, 2019-09)
    Bu çalışmada, kanat firar kenarında uygulanan akış emme yönteminin NACA 0015 kanat profilinin aerodinamik performansı üzerine etkileri sayısal çalışma ile araştırılmıştır. Sayısal çözümler Reynolds sayısının Re=48000 ...
  • Torun, Ahmet Refah (Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi = Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences / Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, 2019-07)
    Bu çalışmada yüksek performanslı araç lastikleri için hava jeti ile oluşturulmuş yeni bir hibrit kord yapısı geliştirilmiştir. Üretim esnasında gerekli olan düşük elastikiyet modülü, hava jetine gergin halde gönderilen ...
  • Tasci, Mehmet Oguz; Tumse, Sergen; Sahin, Besir; Karasu, Ilyas; Akilli, Huseyin (Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi = Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences / Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, 2021-01)
    In this study, the main objective is to reveal the change of the vortical flow characteristics on a slender delta wing with a sweep angle of Λ=70º under the alteration of three different sideslip angles of β=0º, 4º, and ...
  • Saglam, Ismail (International Electronic Journal of Geometry (IEJG) / Kazım İLARSLAN, 2021-10)
    We investigate the behavior of a complete flat metric on a surface near a puncture. We call a puncture on a flat surface regular if it has a neighborhood which is isometric to that of a point at infinity of a cone. We prove ...

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